[comp.protocols.time.ntp] Making the perfect radio clock

mrapple@quack.sac.ca.us (Nick Sayer) (06/05/91)

Lately I've had far too much time on my hands, and to alleviate
it, I've ordered an MC68HC11EVB to play with (and started a mailing
list on the subject, but never mind). Well, this chip is just the
thing to watch the output of my CHU modem and generate an LED
time display along the lines of what the Heath clock did before I
unplugged it in disgust (it's for sale, btw).

Well, while it's generating an LED display, it could very well
be providing RS-232 output in a far more clean fashion than the
raw CHU data. Thinking about this has led me to the idea of
generating the most helpful format for RS-232 data, making it
do that, and maybe selling it. I'd like comments from you folks
on this format.

Unfortunately, CHU only gives day-of-year and time-of-day.
That sort of limits what can be done. Additionally, to make my
job easier, the format ought to take no more than 400 msec or so
to transmit. The idea is that the format will be sent sometime
after 500 msec before the begining of the second, then a mark
sent such that the begining of the start bit "hits the post".
400 msec at 9600 baud is a lot, as it turns out.

One of the mistakes the Heath clock makes is that the output
varies with the whims of the dipswitches. Another is that you
can't tell from the output how trustworthy the time is.


ddd hhmmss Stt.t xxxx yyy *\n
 |     |     |     |   |  |
 |     |     |     |   |  +--- Sent at the begining of the second
 |     |     |     |   +------ "trust" index 000-999. like ntp's disp.
 |     |     |     +---------- Number of minutes since last frame decoded
 |     |     +---------------- timezone S=sign, t=hours from UTC
 |     +---------------------- time UTC
 +---------------------------- day of year

I think a sensible thing would be to have the clock set itself anytime
it gets a valid frame (valid meaning it would pass the "anal_retentive"
processing of the recently posted kernel CHU module), and set the
trust index to K*dif, where K is a constant, and dif is the difference
between the clock and the frame. Additionaly if the difference was less
than some other constant amount of time, the clock "tick" value would
be adjusted a little. I'm thinking of a clock granularity of 100 usec.

Any comments? Would anyone port some xntpd support for this? Would
anyone buy it? Anyone want to help?

Nick Sayer              |    Official Scapegoat for the    | RIP: Mel Blanc
mrapple@quack.sac.ca.us |      MC68HC11 Mailing List.      |   1908--1989
N6QQQ                   |    To subscribe, send mail to    |  May he never
209-952-5347 (Telebit)  | mc68hc11-request@quack.sac.ca.us |  be silenced.