[net.ham-radio] Colorado Hamfest List

rss@druut.UUCP (SklarRS) (03/19/85)

	One of the things that I have missed since moving to Colorado
is attending hamfests.  Even though I am not a ham (radio ham, that
is), I find hamfests a lot of fun and the source of some great
bargains.  In the last few days I found out about the following
hamfests, which I am posting.

	I would be grateful for the posting of information about other
hamfests.  I have not seen this type of information on the net before.

				Robert Sklar
				AT&T ISL, Denver
				(303) 538-3726

	Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association
	          S W A P F E S T
	    March 31, 1985   8AM to 4PM
	          4011 Sinton Road
	     Colorado Springs, Colorado
	  Admission $1.00   Tables #10.00
	          Talk In on 146.52
	 Bigger and Better Than Last Year!
	        Grand Mesa Repeater Society
	    6 T H   A N N U A L   H A M F E S T
	    Saturday April 20, 1985   10AM - 4PM
	      Colorado Naational Guard Armory
	                482 28 Road
	          Grand Junction, Colorado
	(1 block South off North Avenue on 28 Road)
	B O U L D E R   S P R I N G   H A M F E S T
	      Sunday May 5, 1985   9AM - 2PM
	      Colorado National Guard Armory
	           4750 North Broadway
	            Boulder, Colorado

jhs%Mitre-Bedford@d3unix.UUCP (03/19/85)

Now y'see, if you got yerself a ham license and a 2m transceiver, you could
ask on the Squaw Peak repeater and get info on hamfests in most surrounding
states as well as Colorado!

						-JS, W3IKG