[bit.listserv.gerinet] FYI--GERINET log files


*  Archives for list GERINET (Geriatric Health Care Discussion Group)
* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
*  The GET/PUT authorization codes shown with each file entry describe
*  who is authorized to GET or PUT the file:
*     ALL = Everybody
*     N/A = Not Applicable
*     LCL = Local users, as defined at installation time
*     PRV = Private, ie list members
*     OWN = List owners
*     NAD = Node Administrators, ie official BITNET/EARN contacts
*     CTL = LISTSERV Controllers (Also called "Postmasters")
*     HDR = See list header
* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

*  NOTEBOOK archives for the list
*  (Monthly notebook)
*                             rec               last - change
* filename filetype   GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs   date     time   Remarks
* -------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- ----------------
  GERINET  LOG9001    PRV OWN V      79    33 90/01/21 23:59:07 Started on Mon,
   22 Jan 90 00:02:00 EST
  GERINET  LOG9002    PRV OWN V      80    21 90/02/22 10:04:54 Started on Thu,
   22 Feb 90 13:31:00 N
  GERINET  LOG9003    PRV OWN V      80   446 90/03/27 19:28:04 Started on Fri,
   2 Mar 90 20:38:00 EST
  GERINET  LOG9005    PRV OWN V      80   613 90/05/30 12:13:05 Started on Mon,
   21 May 90 20:56:00 EST
  GERINET  LOG9006    PRV OWN V      79   370 90/06/21 10:04:03 Started on Mon,
   4 Jun 90 13:10:00 CST