(Geln A. Herrmannsfeldt) (09/29/90)
I am now running OS/2 1.2, up from 1.0 1) Which disk controllers, especially ESDI ones, will IBM (the only one I know) OS/2 1.2 support (this is on a non-ibm machine, but it runs) 2) Which cartridge tape (DC2000 is fine, I want a low priced one) Will OS/2 1.2 work with. THis probably means it needs to come with the driver. 3) Where can I get source for an OS/2 compatible COM driver. I need to run COM3/COM4 at speeds over 9600, like 19200. I may be able to patch the COM01 binary, but it would be nicer to have source. If anyone is interested, I have adapted some GNU utilities to OS/2. I have not yet sent them to GNU, partly because they still need more testing (debugging?) If you are interested in either (or both, preferably) mail. Reply to, and/or to the net.