[comp.os.os2.misc] 3Com 3+Open - Student lab - Comments Please

s41758@zeus.usq.edu.au (Brian Mesken) (10/05/90)

Any one out there using 3Com 3+Open in a student lab environment?

We are looking at it as a possibility of setting it for our student
labs next year. 

We already have a 3Com 3+Open network installed in an office environment,
(1 Server, 18 workstations, 5 spooled printers) and appears to be working
very well. 

The student network will a new network, most likely on the same ethernet.
The current plan is to install one 486 type server, and have up to 4 labs
each with 20 pc, all being able to remote boot to the server. ( in future
there may be a  fifth lab). 3 of the labs will be existing machines,
which are only XT type machines, the forth may be a 386 type lab. 
Storage on the server is intended to be for software only, 
student data held on floppy disk by the student.

Areas that are of concern to us are performance, virus infection and robustness
for the student environment.

Any comments or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Brian Mesken                                   s41758@zeus.usq.edu.au
Computer Services Unit,
University College of Southern Queensland,
Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.