[net.ham-radio] Radio Moscow Skeds

soomre@mred.DEC (04/30/85)

I want to thank everyone who sent me mail (good and bad) about the
Radio Moscow skeds. I received the World Service and North American
skeds in the mail a few days ago from the station.

The reason I needed these are to coordinate Radio Moscow transmitter
sites for DXing. Radio Moscow transmits from about 100 sites all
over the Soviet Union. Yes I know they are everywhere (especially
40 meters, they own the band). I am trying to receive Asian sites
such as Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and European sites such as Leningrad. Its
not that I need to hear them on any frequency, the skeds just coordinate
the information I have to narrow down the sites. 

Why ? Just a crazy way of DXing I guess, as I am trying to verify 50
Radio Moscow sites. By the way I'm also now working on DXing a Soviet
Ham in each Soviet Republic. Hopefully when I upgrade my license and
get a station set up, a few QSO's will be possible. 

Thanks for the help guys, the response has been great.


Ed Soomre  N1BFF