[comp.os.os2.misc] New OS/2 ftp-site is borne!

likovuori@cc.helsinki.fi (04/03/91)

    Hi there,

    New   OS/2   anonymous   ftp-site  is  borne.   From  address
    funic.funet.fi ( you can find a large collection
    of public-domain  and  shareware  programs.    Also different
    documents are present.

    Files are divided into directories according to subject. Base
    directory is /pub/os2 and from that directory you can find
    files README and INDEX which tell you about the arrangements.

    So far I have collected to funic allmost all stuff that can
    be found from mims-iris.waterloo.edu and from blekul11.bitnet
    listserver. That is some 300 files and more to come.

    funic.funet.fi is Sun4/330 with 2.8GB disk space (1.9GB used)
    and is  owned  by  the  Finnish Academic and Research Network
    Project FUNET. Funic is located at the Finnish State Computing
    Centre, near Helsinki, Finland. The machine is dedicated to
    freely distrubutable material and there is for example copy
    of MS-DOS files found from SIMTEL.

- Kari Likovuori                 Fax: +358-0-7084441           -
- University of Helsinki       Phone: +358-0-7084364           -
- Computing Centre            DECnet: HYLK::LIKOVUORI          -
- Teollisuuskatu 23         Internet: likovuori@cc.helsinki.fi -
- SF-00510 Helsinki      EARN/Bitnet: likovuori@FINUH          -
- FINLAND ------------------------------------------------------
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