[comp.os.os2.misc] Using OS/2 to compile for MS-DOS machines

phenning@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Paul Henning) (05/17/91)

We are in a situation where we have a 486/33 acting as a Oracle 6.0 server.
There are several PS/2's connected to the 486 via Novell NetWare.  These
PS/2's are primarily used for writing Pro*C code for SQL applications.
What we would like to do is to use the 486 to compile our MS-DOS applications
for us in one of the network directories.  We would also like to tell
the 486 to compile without being at it's console.  Does anyone out there
have suggestions about making this work?  What we thought of doing was
writing an OS/2 program that will look at a queue of tasks stored in a
disk file, then executing each of these tasks under the DOS window.  The
users on the rest of the net could just append tasks to the end of the 
end of the queue file...

Sorry if this is novice stuff, but, I am an OS/2 novice! :-)

Paul Henning