[comp.os.os2.misc] Wildcards turn to ALL-CAPS file names on IFS

shiva@well.sf.ca.us (Kenneth Porter) (05/20/91)

I'm using FTP's PCTCP for OS/2 1.1 with NFS mounted disks from
a Unix box.  The FTP documentation indicates that when using
wild cards to specify files names (eg. copy *.*), the resulting
file names returned from the operating system (presumably by
DosFindFirst/DosFindNext) are always uppercased.  This is a
real pain on the Unix side where lower case is the rule.
Has Microsoft or IBM considered the effect of case on
installable file systems?  This should affect HPFS as well,
although not quite so much since HPFS is case sensitive only
when creating a file name, not when reading or matching one.
Ken (shiva@well.sf.ca.us)