[comp.os.os2.misc] TURBOC directory utility, OS/2 files vs. MSDOS.

duggan@ecs.umass.edu (05/28/91)


I encountered a problem this weekend, which I hope to be able to solve myself.
It is most likely in the book. I unfortunately did not have the book at home.
I was working on an IBM PS/2 Model 70 in the MS/DOS window of OS/2 or I was
booting in MS/DOS off of a floopy. I was using TURBOC version 2.0 ( tell me
its outdated!). The problem occurred when I was using the directory function
within the TURBOC program. I used the parent directory, C:\, as a test case
and the program came up with only 68 files. There were 80 files. I noticed
that the files not recognized appeared to be OS/2 oriented. C:\OS2 was not
located for one.

The question is simple is there one generic file format for files under PCs
or is there not. And if, as I presume, there is not, then how do I get my
program to recognize directories that were created in OS/2 while using the
MS/DOS programs. Is this due to the version of the TURBOC compiler I am using?
Could I correct this using a newer version of the compiler? Or do I need
an entirely different compiler say MICROSOFT C or IBM C?

I need to be sure that I am accessing all available files or at least have that
ability if needed. If I can not see a directory, I can not use it.

Any help on this is as always greatly appreciated,
	John F. Duggan


remember each generation only gets better than the previous one or is it true 
that history does repeat itself?