[comp.os.os2.misc] PROTMAN and NETBIND

cja@castle.ed.ac.uk (C Adie) (06/14/91)

The use of Microsoft's NDIS scheme for LAN interface cards and
protocol stacks requires two Microsoft files to be distributed
to end users.  These are:

  for   OS/2:            for    DOS:

I think I remember reading in this (?) newsgroup a while ago
that to encourage the acceptance of NDIS, Microsoft had put
these files into the public domain.  Anyone able to confirm that?

Chris Adie                                   Phone:  +44 31 650 3363
Edinburgh University Computing Service       Fax:    +44 31 662 4809
University Library, George Square            Email:  C.J.Adie@edinburgh.ac.uk
Edinburgh EH8 9LJ, United Kingdom