[net.ham-radio] More 6 MHz bootlegger, spy, and military loggings

parnass@ihu1h.UUCP (Bob Parnass, AJ9S) (05/16/85)

   6.6790    KUA3______Aeronautical Radio, Inc, id="Honolulu Radio", wx, usb [H
                               onolulu, HI] (B. Parnass)
   6.6980    MKL_______Great Britain: RAF, cw [Pitreavie Castle, Scotland] (B. 
   6.7380    call?_____Great Britain: RAF Strike Cmd, id="Architect", sounded l
                               ike color coded wx reports, usb [Bampton AB, Eng
                               land] (B. Parnass)
   6.8020    call?_____unidentified: numbers stn, am, yl/Spanish, 4 digit, xmti
                               ng concurrently with KKN50 on 6.9252 cw, both we
                               re the strongest signals on the band at s9+20 db
                               , 5/15/85 @0220Z [location?] (B. Parnass)
   6.9254    KKN50_____US: State, likely at the National Communications System 
                               installation, embassy-related?, xmting concurren
                               tly with yl am Spanish language 4 digit numbers 
                               station at 6.802 MHz, both were the strongest si
                               gnals on band at s9+20 db, cw, 5/15/85 @0220Z [W
                               arrenton, VA] (B. Parnass)
   6.9330    call?_____unidentified: bootleggers in 3 way CB-type conversation,
                                one was mobile, at least one employed as a truc
                               k driver, ids= "9", "10", and "13", used Q signa
                               ls but no call letters, lsb, 5/15/85 @0100Z [loc
                               ation?] (B. Parnass)
   6.9460    CKN_______Canada: Canadian Forces Maritime Radio, navigational bul
                               letins, cw [Vancouver, BC] (B. Parnass)
Bob Parnass,  Bell Telephone Laboratories - ihnp4!ihu1h!parnass - (312)979-5414