[misc.jobs.contract] College student seeks summer job, prog/scientific, L.A. or SACTO

tracy@fiji.Unify.Com (05/18/91)

Greetings netlanders,
	I am posting this on behalf of a friend.  You may contact her at
the Santa Monica or Sacramento numbers listed below, or send inquiries
via email to me.  She is seeking employment in the Los Angeles or Sacramento 


			  Rebekah S. Kawashima

513 Donlon Hall						1454 Yale Street #1
Cornell University					Santa Monica, CA  90404
Ithaca, NY  14853					(213) 453-4646
(607) 253-2730

							Sacramento, CA: 
							(mon-wed, ask for 
							 Hope or Rebekah)


A full-time summer position.  Positions using my programming and other computer 
experience, or related to scientific research or the medical field would be 
especially desirable.


Cornell University College of Human Ecology * BS 92 * Nutritional Biochemistry

Stuyvesant High School (NY,NY) 88

			    Relevant Courses

Chemistry, Biology, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, 
Animal Physiology, Finite Math, Calculus, Statistics, Child Development, 
Microcomputers, Pascal and Fortran, Macro Economics, 
Design and Environmental Analysis, Nutrition, Foods, Nutritional Biochemistry


9/90->present	Resident Advisor, Cornell University 
		Student Counselor: Planned Hall programs, mediated conflicts,
		advised students.

summer 89	Orthopedic Surgeon's Office, Santa Monica, CA
		Computer Consultant: Organized medical records in DBase III
		Plus, made lists, graphs and statistics on patients for
		scientific research paper.

9/88-5/89	Robert Purcell Dining, Cornell University
		Dining service.

1/89-3/89	Tompkins Community Hospital Emergency Room, Ithaca, NY
		Emergency Room Volunteer: Interacted between patients, nurses
		and doctors.

summer 87	Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA
		Laboratory Assistant: Performed experimentations and research.

			    Skills and Interests

Can program in Pascal, Fortran and BASIC; can use word processing, database,
spreadsheet and desktop publishing applications on IBM and Macintosh.  Enjoy
animal care, squash and piano.


Charity Sammis		Donlon Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853

Dr. John R. Moreland	2021 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 710E, 
			Santa Monica, CA  90404

Dr. Robert Parker	Savage Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853