[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Need help with MS Word, CTABLE, and HP SoftFonts

add@sciences.sdsu.edu (James D. Murray) (07/06/90)

        I am currently attempting to use a shaware program called CTABLE       
(Version 4.1sw) written and distributed by a John R. Thompson of Edison,       
NJ.  This utility reads a softfont file and produces font information 
suitable for inclusion in a Microsoft Word PRD file.  I am having a bit 
of difficultly, though.                                                                        
        I decided I needed this utility when I downloaded a set of Goudy       
fonts to my HPLJ IIP.  Using MS Word the spaces between the words 
(the space character itself) was too wide when a document was printed.  
This did not happen when I printed the same text via the DOS command line.
I have attempted to follow the directions included with CTABLE to add 
the necessary font and character width tables to my HPLJ IIP PRD file,
but the spacing problem continues.                                                             
        Any MS Word people out there know what is going on and what 
I am to do?

>>>>+=====+> * <+=====+<<<<

James D. Murray, Ethnounixologist	"Riker!  Stop that smirking!"
Anaheim, California, U.S.A.                    -- J-L. Picard

Internet: add@sciences.sdsu.edu    (
Bitnet:   bardic@calstate.Bitnet   (