[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Need Help Printing Spreadsheets

cgordon@vpnet.chi.il.us (Gordon Hlavenka) (07/21/90)

>I have an XT compatible, an HP LaserJet printer, and Lotus 1-2-3.  When
>I print a spreadsheet, it gets broken up.  For example, it will print the
>first 10 rows fine, then a 4 inch long blanks space, and then continue to 
>print the rest of the rows.  This happens randonmly, i.e., sometimes 2
>will print before a big space. Unfortunately, I can't find the manuals for 
>help. (In moving things around, we've lost some things.)

Amazing!  I've just had to set this up today!

1) Set the LaserJet for 60 lines per page.

2) Set Lotus for 60 lines per page.  (/wgdpp60)

3) Set Lotus for the following margins:
     left: 2
     right: 78
     top: 2
     bottom: 2
   (These are on /wgdp[lrtb] respectively)
   (Don't forget to /wgdu !)

And, most importantly,
4) ALWAYS use Align (/ppa) before Go (/ppg)!
   (you will have to use Page (/ppp) to eject the last page.)

These setups worked to attach both an AT and an XT to a Series II LaserJet
for 123 v2.01

Fancy stuff like cartridges and landscape I haven't played with (yet).

Gordon S. Hlavenka                 cgordon@vpnet.chi.il.us
Disclaimer: He's lying