[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Interactive connection from an IBM PC to an IBM 3090 running CICS/VTAM

corr@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU (Chris Orr) (07/24/90)

Hello all!  I am trying to define an environment which will allow our IBM
3090 machine to talk to a number of other hosts.  Among these other hosts
are S/38, AS400, HP 925, DEC VAX 8600, etc.

The thought is to use a PC as a go-between.  This will allow us to develop
a connection from the IBM 3090 to the PC (possibly using an LU 6.2
connection) that is standard for all hosts that want to talk to us.  Then
all that is needed is to develop software that runs on that same PC to
connect to the other host.  This obviously would be host dependant.  We
would like to have the other host's application programmers code this
connection (see diagram's TRAN 3 and TRAN 4).

So, the question is what is the environment/hardware/software that should
be used on this PC.

It has been suggested by IBM to use OS/2 and CICS for OS/2.  Is this the best
solution?  What other possible architectures are available ????

                                            Part to be
                 MAINFRAME (IBM 3090)                          PROCESSOR       
  USER            __________________           PC             _________________
_________ TRAN 1  |                | TRAN 2 __________ TRAN 3 |               |
|       |_____    |   __________   |    ___\|        |____    |   ________    |
|       |    /____|__\|        |___|____\  /|        |   /____|__\|      |    |
|       |         |  /|  RELAY |   |        |        |        |  /| APPL |    |
|       |/____    |   |        |   |     ___|        |/____   |   |      |    |
|       |\   /____|__ |   PGM  |___|/____\  |        |\   /___|__ |  PGM |    |
|_______|         |   |________|   |\       |________|        |   |______|    |
          TRAN 6  |                | TRAN 5            TRAN 4 |               |
                  |________________|                          |_______________|
                                       /\               /\
                                       ||               ||
                                       ||               ||
                                       ||               ||
                                    LU 6.2 ????         ||