[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] AutoCAD PCB-autorouter wanted

ganter@urz.unibas.ch (08/02/90)

Hello AutoCAD users !

I would like to use AutoCAD to construct my own printed circuit boards (PCB's).
I' am shure there is some software written in AutoLisp (or in some other 
language) to do that work.
Requirements/wishes:  -	drawing the schematic drawing of the PCB interactively
		      -	cleaning up that drawing to have informative connection
			lines and parts
                      -	autorouting with the information of the schematic 
			drawing and electronic part libraries,
			building a 1-,2-,multi-layer PCB-board (using multiple
			AutoCAD layers)
		      -	beeing intelligent enough to avoid bad lines (too small
			power lines, etc.)
		      - creating a part list of all parts needed

I would be grateful to get some information on available software of that kind,
including price or better some ftp addresses (I'm a poor student with no money)
and perhaps some short description.

If there is lot of interest I will post a summary.

Please e-mail to ganter@urz.unibas.ch

or post to that conference.


Robert Ganter
University of Basle