pnl@hpfinote.HP.COM (Peter Lim) (08/07/90)
Hi Netlanders, I think I'm about ready to fork out the money to buy a Sound Blaster Board (not Game Blaster). A while ago, there was fair amount of discussion on this board. Some one was mentioning price as low as US$150 (may be I was halucinating ??). However, the lowest I can find from magazine is US$179. So, can anyone who think they have the lowest price on this board please send me the price and the mail order vendor's name and phone number. Post it to this group if you like. Many thanks in advance. Regards, ## Life is fast enough as it is ........ Peter Lim. ## .... DON'T PUSH IT !! >>>-------, ########################################### : E-mail: plim@hpsgwg.HP.COM Snail-mail: Hewlett Packard Singapore, : Tel: (065)-279-2289 (ICDS, ICS) | Telnet: 520-2289 1150 Depot Road, __\@/__ ... also at: pnl@hpfipnl.HP.COM Singapore 0410. SPLAT ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By the way, I'm currently in Colorado.