[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Novell and DesqView?

31005_1650@uwovax.uwo.ca (Mark Bramwell 1-519-661-3714) (08/09/90)

I have DesqView and Qemm on a 386sx.   I am also running novell.  I have
excluded the proper stuff to allow Qemm to load with the novell drivers.

When I run DV or XDV the machine hangs after about 30 seconds.

Has anyone ran DesqView on top of Novell?  Is there some special switch
settings for the software?

I have tried this with 3 different types of network cards  ( 2 were IBM
and one was wd8003e)  All hang after 30 seconds.-- 

.  Mark Bramwell,    VE3PZR                                              .
.                                                                        .
.  The University of Western Ontario           Bitnet:  MBRAMWEL@UWO.CA  .
.  School of Business Administration           Packet:  VE3PZR @ VE3GYQ  .
.  London, Ontario, N6A 3K7                    Phone:   (519)  661-3714  .