[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Text mode screen trap TSR

tim@gistdev.gist.com (Tim Larson) (08/10/90)

I am trying to find an MS-DOS TSR utility which creates a BINARY (not bit 
mapped) representation of all (or part) of a text-mode screen.  The screen dump 
should contain a representation of the screen memory which includes the text 
as well as the attribute bytes for each character on the screen.

Pizazz Plus has a ASCII file screen trap capability, but it does not save the 
attribute bytes.   Pizazz Plus also can save a text screen in a bit mapped 
format (such as .PCX), but we can't (practically) determine the text that was 
on the screen from such a bit mapped file. HotShot Graphics only generates bit 
mapped screen trap files.

Please, let me know if there is anything out there that will fullfill my needs,
or just let me know what other products I should investigate.


				Kipp Kreft


				Global Information Systems Technology, Inc.