faiman@m.cs.uiuc.edu (08/21/90)
This is yet another request for product information. My son would like to buy a 386SX box with VGA color at as low a price as feasible. The lowest price for a unit with a 40M drive appears to be around $1500. However, Computer Shopper has an ad from a company called Tredex in LA advertising a 20MHz 386 (not SX) system, with 4M RAM, 40M/28ms disk, 3.5" floppy, 640 x 480 x .29" color VGA, S/P ports, 5 slots, mouse, DOS 4.01 and BASIC -- for $1600. Too good to be true? At any rate, I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who knows something about the machine or the company. Mike Faiman, Urbana faiman@cs.uiuc.edu