[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Plug-in 80387 compatible?

simon@hpsgrt1.HP.COM (Simon TAN) (08/10/90)

I am thinking of getting a math coprocessor for my 33 Mhz 386 PC. Is there
any Intel 80387 plug-in compatible math coprocessor from other manufacturers
which may be faster/cheaper? Thanks

ndoduc@framentec.fr (Nhuan Doduc) (09/04/90)

IIT as well as Cyrix right now offer better (whatever this means) and/or
faster, cheaper 387 clones
Rumors that AMD will follow soon (Comdex Fall)

If you read french, I can send a detail review about all of them that will
be published in our Newsletter soon

Nhuan DODUC, 
Framentec-Cognitech, Paris, France, ndoduc@framentec.fr or ndoduc@cognitech.fr,
Association Francaise des Utilisateurs d'Unix, France, doduc@afuu.fr