[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Hypertext by MaxThink:Making Sense?

singer@uwovax.uwo.ca (09/13/90)

Has anybody figured out the various hypertext programs by Max Think? Neil
Larson designed a great program in the original MaxThink, but Houdini,
TranText, et al are very confusing. I can't distinguish one from the other, let
alone figure out how they work or how they can be useful except to somebody
developing a huge reference system for others to use. I find it difficult to
understand how they can be used without vast amounts of development work for
writing, bringing together scattered bits of information, etc. Has anybody had
any success in this sense and without excessive labour costs?-- 
Ben Singer                                      Department of Sociology      
                                                University of Western Ontario
Singer@uwo.ca                                   London, Ontario
Singer@uwovax.bitnet                            N6A 5C2
                                                (519) 660-0671  (home)
                                                (519) 679-2111   Ext 5137