[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Unexplained Disk Access While Running Windows 3?

sgf0z@watt.acc.Virginia.EDU (Steven Glenn Fox) (09/14/90)

I recently noticed that while my computer is on and
idle that my hard disk access light comes on about 
every 15 seconds very briefly.  It seems to be related
to running Windows 3 because it stops when I exit Windows. I 
know Windows swaps to disk but why would it be swapping 
when the machine is idle?

I have 2 questions:
1. Why?  
2. Will this significantly affect wear and tear on my drive?
    I often leave my machine on and idle for long
    periods of time. (Please don't start debating the pros
    and cons of this again PLEASE!)

If it makes a difference I am running a Northgate Slimline 386/20
with a 100 Meg Conner IDE drive.


Steven G. Fox                                   sgf0z@virginia.edu
University of Virginia Systems Engineering      (804) 982-2073
Charlottesville, Virginia