[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Troubled hard drive, low-level format

maddox@blake.u.washington.edu (Tom Maddox) (09/16/90)

	Lately the ST-238 hard drive on my Leading Edge D has been returning
"Sector Not Found Drive C" messages with some frequency--it's an old drive, I
think one of the first RLL drives Leading Edge shipped.  Usually, hitting the
"A" for "Abort" restores a command line, and you can can go on from there, and
sometimes chkdsk then shows the first FAT as being scrambled.  At that point, 
I just reset, and all is well.

	Two questions:  is low-level formatting likely to help this problem, 
and is there a pd/shareware utility that will low-level format the drive 
without reformatting it--i.e., without requiring that I backup/restore the
whole drive.

	Respond here or by e-mail, as you see fit.


				Tom Maddox
	"Satanic Verses is a despicable book that could not have been
	written by a person who wished to behave decently and responsibly." 
				Orson Scott Card