[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Address to AMI, anyone?

jthornto@fs1.ee.ubc.ca (THORNTON JOHAN A) (09/20/90)

Could somebody mail me the address of American Megatronics?  Thanks.

 -------  _/__/   -----------------------------------------------------
        _|  ___|    E l e c t r i c a l      |  Johan Thornton, Esq.
       | | |_/     E n g i n E E r i n g     |-------------------------
       |/|  __|     U n i v e r s i t y      |  jthornto@fs1.ee.ubc.ca
       |-| |/__     o f   B r i t i s h      |-------------------------
       | |_____|      C o l u m b i a        |   This space for rent
 ----  |__|/_|   ------------------------------------------------------