[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Double scan CGA vs. EGA

markxx@garnet.berkeley.edu (09/30/90)


	I have run into a problem with my laptop, which uses a double
scan CGA monitor.  I need to use some software (for Thai in WP 5.1) in
text mode.  However, the program will only support EGA/VGA/Herc. Ram Font.
My display (compatible with the ATT high res. and T3100 displays) is
600x400.  If I am not mistaken that is *higher* resolution than EGA. Is there
(short of a new laptop) any way to trick software into thinking the 
display I have is EGA?  I only need this for TEXT mode, not graphics.  ANY
help, or even an explanation why this is a doomed effort, please e-mail or
post.  Thanks.

Mark Ritchie