[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Mouse programming

sfd@earthquake.Berkeley.EDU (Scott Drellishak) (10/23/90)

Does anyone know where I can get a good description of the various mouse
interrupt services?  I have the interrupt list, and that's pretty good, but
I need more detailed info on a couple of the services.  Anonymous ftp is

For the curious, I'm writing a "cut-and-paste" program for text mode, a la
X Windows and the "M-word computer".  It mostly works, but I need to know

	1) Is there anyway to prevent the cursor from moving when it's
	   turned off for updating?  If the user moves the mouse too fast,
	   a bunch of reverse-video garbage gets left on the screen.

	2) Is there any way to know when the screen is going to scroll?  The
	   text mouse cursor leaves more reverse-video garbage around
	   when the screen scrolls.  I can turn it off when the ROM video
	   "scroll up" or "scroll down" services are called, but many
	   programs (and ANSI.SYS) don't call this service.

Please respond by mail.  I'll post a summary in alt.msdos.programmer and
comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc.  Keep an eye out for this program...I suspect a lot
of people have wanted to be able to cut-and-paste.

Scott, sfd@ocf.berkeley.edu