v087mxgb@ubvmsa.cc.buffalo.edu (Shawn E Thompson) (11/03/90)
I ignorantly referred to an 80Cx87 chip as being "C for compact". I have an IBM PC-Convertible, and called IBM directly to ask about soldering in an NEC v20, but was told it has a "compact 80c87, because it is a laptop" I ASSumed that this was the naming convention. I have been corrected, it is CMOS not COMPACT my apologies for subscribing to the sharing of ignorance! Shawn E. Thompson "..my sig file was so long, I'm not even allowed a quote..." v087mxgb@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu | set@autarch.acsu.buffalo.edu University @ Buffalo|Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering CAD Engineering|Leica, Inc.|PO Box 123|Buffalo, NY 14240-0123|(716)891-3375