[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Using 1 Meg TSENG Boards

koenig@occlusal.rutgers.edu (Evan M. Koenig) (11/03/90)


I have been running a program that I created on an Orchid Pro Designer
Plus Card for some time now. Recently I aquired a 1 meg VGA card that
also useds the TSENG video processor. 

I'm using the 640x480 mode with 256 colors. When I run it on the 1 meg
card, all the odd display pages don't show up, and I also get garbage
on the screen because my program doesn't know what the current video
page is. 

The code I'm using is from the article "Super VGA Programming",
Christopher A. Howard, Dr. Dobbs Journal, July 1990. The code is

	mov al,pages
	mov ah,al
	shl ah,1
	shl ah,1
	shl ah,1
	or al,ah
	or al,01000000B
	out 03cdh,al
This worked fine for the 512k TSENG setups, but not the 1 meg jobs.
Looking at the article, bits 0-2 are the write segment (upto 8), 3-5
the read segments, and 6-7 the segment config(? Can anyone tell me
what this does?).

Does anyone out there know how to get to those odd pages? Does the
512k banks have to be swapped by a port call or something??? Any help
would be appreciated.

Please post your response to this group and also email to me since I
don't get on that much.

	Evan Koenig