[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Need current Novell asynch drivers

chris@groucho (11/05/90)

Hello all,
I have a user (soon many) who I need to connect to our Novell network
(286 v2.15c) remotely.  I can set up a dedicated bridge and have a serial
IPX configured that works over the phone lines, but the driver was version
1.00 and doesn't support the new MAP ROOT function that came out with
version 4.00 of the shell generator (needed for Win 3.0).  Specifically,
DIRing any net drive made with map root results in a "Not ready reading
device network, abort, retry?" message.
I tried digging around in the NOV* forums on Compu$erve but didn't see
anything resembling that.  Does an updated driver exist or am I doing
something wrong?  Thanks for any help.
Did I say this I'm a novice at posting?  Sorry for any mistakes.
Chris Magagna                   Internet: chris@ted.cs.uidaho.edu
Ag Computing Services           Bitnet:   agcomp@idui1
University of Idaho