jrd@cc.usu.edu (11/09/90)
A "student edition" of SPICE, the EE circuit simulation package, is available free from MicroSim Corp, as PSPICE. Their address is 20 Fairbanks Irvine, CA 92718 (800) 245-3022 and (714) 770-3022 The EE students at Utah State use it heavily in courses (there are books dealing with it too) and find this limited edition just fine for their undergraduate assignments. UC Berkeley used to offer the original Spice on tape for a nominal fee; I used that here for many years until micros became popular. Today however PSPICE and similar micro based editions provide fast graphics output so that no one uses the VAX version around here. The full PSPICE is not cheap, and the host of libraries available also raise the bottom line for large serious projects. Joe D.