[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Memory Problems

sbl@phobos.cis.ksu.edu (Stacy B. Lacy) (11/16/90)

I have recently been having memory problems, and I wondered if someone might 
be able to give me some suggestions.  

After a power outage, I have been having problems running some memory 
resident programs at the same time as some applications progras.  I hadn't 
had any problems before, and the memory check on booting shows no problems.
I have DOS 3.3, and 1.5 MB of memory in SIMM modules.  Could the problem be
checked by some software package?

Thanks for the help.   

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*     %===%     %==%     %           |   sbl@phobos.ksu.cis.edu           *
*        %     %   %    %            |   In Real Life:  Stacy Lacy        *
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Memory fault--core dump.