[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] COMDEX 1990 - What a show of modern tech!!!

woolard@uns-helios.nevada.edu (MIKE WOOLARD) (11/16/90)

I just walked from my second day at COMDEX '90 here in Las Vegas, and 
was blown away by many things, but the biggest was the new storage media!
I saw a 1.6 GIGABYTE hard drive that fits in a full-height 5 1/14 drive
spot in  a PC!  oh, and dig this..

SEVERAL of the PC stations on display had 3.5 inch laserdisc drives!


each disk holds (brace yourself)   

128 MEGABYTES!  well, I'm blown away!  Talk about a mega-jump
from the old 4K-memory TRS-80, and in such a few short years....

technology waits for no-one.... utterly amazing.

meanwhile, back to our normal programming...

   Mike Woolard
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