[net.followup] VDT/CDT Hazards: Information Sources

berman (02/11/83)

In response to discussion that has appeared repeatedly on the net
about crt/vdt hazards, here are a list of information sources that
I recently ran across:

1. "Health Protection for Operators of VDTs/CRTs" published by
   NYCOSH   32 Union Square Room 404, NY NY 10003. $3.50

2. "The Hazards of VDTs" by Ontario Public Service Employees,
   Dept of Special Operations  1901 Yonge St. Toronto, Ontario,
   Canada M4S 2Z5    $2.00

3. "The VDT Workplace Manual" from The Newspaper Guild, Research Dept.
    1125 15th Street NW, Washington DC 20005   $1.50

4. VDT Newsletter (4times/yr) from VDT Committee, Labour Council of
   Metropolitan Toronto, Rm 407, 15 Gervais Drive, Don Mills, 
   Ontario, Canada   $5.00/yr

5. "The Human Factor: 9-5s Consumer's Guide to Word Processors"
    published by    9 to 5,  37 Temple Place, Boston Mass 02111    

jrc (02/15/83)

Another reference to add to the list:

	6. Working With Video Display Terminals

	   	Province of British Columbia
		Occupational Environment Branch
		Ministry of Labour
		#220 - 4946 Canada Way
		Burnaby BC  V5G 4J6