tempest@walleye.csuchico.edu (Kenneth K.F. Lui) (11/29/90)
Hi, This is a summary of my request several weeks ago concerning advice for computer insurance. To recap, I purchased another system and feel the need to protect my investment (this is for personal use, like my other system). As a neophyte when it comes to insurance, I asked for recommendations about specific companies and what to look out for and what to avoid. Here are the respondents, in mail-box arrival order (they've been paraphrased unless noted): --- - klee@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.edu If the system is small, don't bother with insurance; however, if what one has large systems [and I take it that many systems count to be one large system] it would be advisable. --- - William Moss, gt0831c@prism.gatech.edu - Gerald A. Edgar, edgar@mps.ohio-state.edu Get a ride on one's current home/property insurance. [As a matter of fact, most of the responses recommended that I do this or go through a traditional insurance company with some modifications. See other responses.] --- - Scott J. Bury, sjbury@owlnet.rice.edu [Scott gave me a description of his insurance policy on $8000 worth of equipment.] "Inland marine" policy [sic] from State Farm for electronics and data processing equipment. The policy protects against theft, power spike damage, etc, with full replacement. It costs $100/year. --- - Jim Gaynor, gaynor@magnus.ircc.ohio-state.edu Speak to the agent regarding protecting electronic equipment because most home-owners' policies don't take them into consideration. [Jim has a policy with NationWide for $100/year. It seems as though Scott Bury--above--also has a "special" for electronic equipment.] --- - Brian G. Gordon, briang@Eng.Sun.Com [Brian also recommended that I get a special policy that covers electronic equipment. It is worth it although the basic premium may be be increased.] --- - Annette Myjak, arm@sps.com [Annette picked up a ride on her standard renter's policy for her computer equipment. She mentioned that the insurance provider wouldn't let her have a "business" policy because it was for personal use. __What's the difference between "personal" and "business policy??__] --- - Peter Bye, pbye@ub.d.umn.edu [Peter recommends St. Paul Company (St. Paul, MN). He says basically the same thing Annette said.] -- ______________________________________________________________________________ tempest@ecst.csuchico.edu, tempest@walleye.ecst.csuchico.edu,|Kenneth K.F. Lui| tempest@sutro.sfsu.edu, tempest@wet.UUCP |________________|