[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] CDROM formats

cs161fhn@sdcc10.ucsd.edu (Dennis Lou) (12/01/90)

What are the different CDROM formats?  If you get any old 660Meg 
CD ROM will it be able to read any CD ROM disc?  Should I take the
$270 plunge?

I've seen several companies in Silicon Valley selling Hitachi units
for around $250 (Halted Specialties Co. for example) and ERAC in
Poway (San Diego area) sells a Toshiba unit for $265 with SCSI

The Toshiba sold at ERAC is supposedly "Yellow book" standard and is
bundled with "Msoft (Microsoft?) Extension.  The
CD-ROMS connected (via SCSI) to the Sun SPARCStations where I work
use the "High Sierra" format.  The Hitachi supposedly has it's own
tray so you don't need separate CD carriers.

(The cool thing is that these CDROM drives have audio ports so you
can play your audio CD's in it!)

(BTW, please don't ask me for the phone numbers to the places
selling the CDROM drives.  Please look them up for yourselves!  I
don't have the numbers handy...)

Dennis Lou               | "But Yossarian, what if everyone thought that way?"
dlou@ucsd.edu            | "Then I'd be crazy to think any other way!"
[backbone]!ucsd!dlou     +----------------------------------------------------
dlou@ucsd.BITNET cs161fhn@sdcc10.ucsd.edu        | Woz went to my high school.