v067qklp@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu (Danielle T Mazzotta) (12/04/90)
Thanks for the SEEK responses; as it turns out, Dbase does respect SET EXACT when doing the comparisons for SEEK but Clipper does not... or perhaps they both have a different interpretation of what "exact" means; I believe Dbase would not consider two variables equal if their lengths differ when EXACT is set on. No matter.. padding (or non-TRIMming) did the trick. One last question.. does anyone have any "xbrowse"-type routine already written and willing to share that would allow for multiple file-editing using DBEDIT (and make it look a bit more powerful like DbaseIII's BROWSE)? It's probably fairly trivial (no flames, please) but it'd save lots of testing time (and oh-so-slow linking). Thanks oodles.. --Danielle