[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Basic BASICA question

ko0g+@andrew.cmu.edu (Kevin O'Neill) (12/06/90)

I may be in the wrong place, but I'll give it a try anyway.

I am trying my hand at writing a program in IBM BASICA that I had previously
done for an Apple, and I'm having a problem figuring out the routine for
saving the data created in the program to a file.  The problem is that about
50 variables are defined by the program, but I haven't figured out how to
get the FIELD statements to work properly.  For example, I try ...

        100  OPEN "DATAFILE"
        200  FIELD #1,3 AS MN$, 4 AS AP$, 4 AS RG$, {etc.}
        300  LSET MN$=NM$: AP$=A1$: RG$=R1$: {etc.}
        400  PUT #1,1
        500  CLOSE

I cannot get the fields set for all of the variables on a single line; I've
tried a second FIELD line, but it overwrites the variables from part of the
first line.

What am I doing wrong, and how do I correct it?


drack@titan.tsd.arlut.utexas.edu (Dave Rackley) (12/07/90)

In article <EbLaI=y00WBNI1QUUk@andrew.cmu.edu> ko0g+@andrew.cmu.edu (Kevin O'Neill) writes:

> I may be in the wrong place, but I'll give it a try anyway.

> I am trying my hand at writing a program in IBM BASICA that I had previously
> done for an Apple, and I'm having a problem figuring out the routine for
> saving the data created in the program to a file.  The problem is that about
> 50 variables are defined by the program, but I haven't figured out how to
> get the FIELD statements to work properly.  For example, I try ...

>	   100  OPEN "DATAFILE"
>	   200  FIELD #1,3 AS MN$, 4 AS AP$, 4 AS RG$, {etc.}
>	   300  LSET MN$=NM$: AP$=A1$: RG$=R1$: {etc.}
>	   400  PUT #1,1
>	   500  CLOSE

> I cannot get the fields set for all of the variables on a single line; I've
> tried a second FIELD line, but it overwrites the variables from part of the
> first line.

> What am I doing wrong, and how do I correct it?

It seems to me that your open statement is causing the problem.
Try the following:

	100 open "datafile" for random as #1 len=your_rec_len

Without setting 'your_rec_len' basica defaults to 128 bytes, which
may not be large enough for your records.

Hope this helps!


  DISCLAIMER?  I don't know anything 'bout any ol' disclaimer!         

| David Rackley		        |                                             |
| Applied Research Laboratories |        Remember, you can tuna fish,         |
| The University of Texas       |         But you can't tuna piano!           |
| Austin, TX.  78758            |                                             |

is@athena.cs.uga.edu ( Bob Stearns) (12/07/90)

In article <EbLaI=y00WBNI1QUUk@andrew.cmu.edu> ko0g+@andrew.cmu.edu (Kevin O'Neill) writes:
>I may be in the wrong place, but I'll give it a try anyway.
>I am trying my hand at writing a program in IBM BASICA that I had previously
>done for an Apple, and I'm having a problem figuring out the routine for
>saving the data created in the program to a file.  The problem is that about
>50 variables are defined by the program, but I haven't figured out how to
>get the FIELD statements to work properly.  For example, I try ...
>        100  OPEN "DATAFILE"
         100  open "r",1,"datafile"
>        200  FIELD #1,3 AS MN$, 4 AS AP$, 4 AS RG$, {etc.}
>        300  LSET MN$=NM$: AP$=A1$: RG$=R1$: {etc.}
         300  lset mn$=nm$ : lset ap$=a1$ : LSET RG$=r1$ : {etc}
>        400  PUT #1,1
>        500  CLOSE
>I cannot get the fields set for all of the variables on a single line; I've
>tried a second FIELD line, but it overwrites the variables from part of the
>first line.
>What am I doing wrong, and how do I correct it?

The lines as corrected above should fix your problem. I do have a recommendationhowever. Buy a copy of QUICKBASIC if you want to do BASIC programming. It is
much better than BASICA, runs much faster since it is compiled and gives you
a better (IMO) working environment. Better suggestion if you are not committed
to BASIC: buy Turbo Pascal from Borland and use it.