[net.ham-radio] ROOF MOUNT TOWER

jstarr@anad (James Starr USAISC Anniston) (08/09/85)

Hi Rick.


Guess I had better get into this roof mount tower bit as I have had lots of
experence in this.

When I was in the army (22 years) we  were  always  moving  from  place  to
place,  many times in government quarters.  There was very little you could
do when it cant to installing anything even semi-permanantly.

I took a 10 ft roof mount tower section, bolted the  legs  to  2X8s  10  ft
long.  Then  I  manhandled  it 'till it was straddle the roof peak.  Then I
guyed the tower to each roof corner (4 times).  Then I put a 15 meter  beam
on  a 10 foot mast section (with a rotor) above the tower, plus a 6 element
2 meter beam 5 ft above that!!

Next I guyed from the rotor to the same place  the  tower  was  guyed.  Now
this  sounds like a huge mass (not mess) not to bolted down, but by keeping
all the guys tight I used this  set-up  on  several  houses  with  nary  an
incedent of any type.

With 2 sets of guys (one at the top and one at the  middle)  there  was  no
chance for the wind to get any lever action to topple the mess.

The trick (I guess) was ALWAYS making sure ALL the guys were tight!

This survived much rough weather including huricane force  winds  that  up-
rooted 2 trees in my front yard.

Jim Starr