Dear Net: I'm looking for a good shareware memory manager for my 386. I've got a program which requires 570K of base RAM. My operating system is DOS 3.3 and I have 1M on board and 4M of extended memory on an expansion board. The LIM driver which I downloaded from the Northgate BBS uses about 70K to access the 2M of expanded memory which this program also requires. I need something more efficient than that program since it leaves me with only 530K of base RAM even after stripping my config.sys to the bare minimum. The name of the profligate driver I downloaded is emm40.sys. I'm told that "386 to the Max" does what I want. (Allow a 575K program to be loaded into base RAM while accessing expanded memory).Must I buy this dumb software to give me a measly 35K more base RAM? Stuart Lichtenthal .