[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Need algorithm

F0O@psuvm.psu.edu (12/13/90)

    I'm using QuickBasic 4.5, and I need to know the algorithm that converts
a number like 123.456 into it's byte(s) representation.  I need to know this
to convert single, long or integer numbers.
    With QuickBasic, you can use the VARSEG and VARPTR functions to get the
address of a variable, but QuickBasic doesn't provide the reverse function,
given the address of a variable.  I know you can simply pass the variable
name and not have to worry about pointers, but for my application that won't
    I need to do this in QuickBasic; no calling a C or assembler routine.  :-(

    What I can't do:
    CALL AssignValue(Value)
    Print Value
    SUB AssignValue(Value)
        Value = 123.456 or whatever

    What I want to do:
    Call AssignValue(Varseg(Value), VarPtr(Value))
    print Value
    SUB AssignValue(Segment as integer, Offset as integer)
        put 123.456 into memory locations starting at Segment:Offset

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
