[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] 80186

bt455s39@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Carmen Hardina) (12/13/90)

In article <1990Dec7.145839.2703@mentor.gandalf.ca> dcarr@mentor.gandalf.ca (Dave Carr) writes:
>Talk about people unclear on the concept.  The 80186(8) were intended for the EMBEDDED
>market.  We use the 80186 extensively in our comm products.  
>The only vendor I know that tried one in a PC was Tandy !  For the job it was designed for,
>I stand behind the 80186 any day !

SCI used the 80186 as the primary CPU in their SCI 1000 Tower system a few
years ago.  The system had a backplane and was not a peecee.  It ran AT&T
UNIX System III quite well.  To this day it will smoke a 286 peecee running
UNIX in a multiuser environment.


P.S.  Does anyone have an Intel 310 or 320 they want to get rid of?