[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Wanted: 386 Mon/deb

e85_nisse@tekno.chalmers.se (NILS ANDERSSON) (12/20/90)

I am looking for a Monitor/Debugger for the 80386 with the
following features:
- Shall occupy max 20kB EPROM
- Shall occupy max 20kB RAM
- memory dump
- memory patch
-code execution breakpoints
- data access breakpoints
- single step execution
- use serial communication link (RS232)

Option: 80287/80387 math coprocessor instructions and view the
associated memory and register contents.

If you have any idea of where to find this I would be very happy. Ftp

address (with IP nr), phone (not 800 nr!) or fax, or address
of a company that has this is helpful.

Please reply to THIS email address:
since I'm not regularly using this account...
If the email address doesn't work try one of these:

Any help is valuable

Merry Christmas - Nils Andersson