[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] need help identifying seagate drive

rl@cbnewsl.att.com (roger.h.levy) (01/10/91)

I'd like some information on a Seagate disk drive that is marked both
ST-253 and 94205-51.  A couple of months ago, I bought a CDC drive
model 94205-51.  This is a 40 Mbyte, HH, 5 cyl, 989 track drive.  It
failed after about 5 weeks.  After returning to my supplier, I received
in exchange the above mentioned Seagate.  It looks very much what I
remember the CDC looking like.  The CDC (Wren II) is a fairly well
known drive that appears in both HD databases I have.  I can't find a
reference to the Seagate even in a recent database that has info on
about 800 drives.  Are these the same drives?  If not, what are the
specs I need to know to get the Seagate running?  I noticed that both
CDC and Seagate use model designations in the form 94xxx-yy where yy
appears to be the unformatted drive capacity.  Is this a coincidence?
Does this designation encode any other useful information?  What kind
of deal did I get in this exchange?

Roger Levy