sphilips@brahms.udel.edu (Santosh S Philips) (01/08/91)
A friend recently purchased "Design CAD" put out by American Small Business Computers. His computer is connected via a serial line to a "multiplexer of sorts with a printer buffer" to a HP laser Jet series II The "multiplexer" is to allow several computers to divert their printer output to the HP laser printer. PROBLEM: The software Design CAD does not come standard with a HP laser jet series II printer driver. My friend contacted the company that makes the software and was told to use one of the given printer drivers. The given printer drivers did not work. The printer works well in this configuration with other software like WordPerfect 5.1 and Lotus. Has any one had any experience with the above. Can any one help with the source of a printer driver that works? Thanks, Santosh Philips
dlow@pollux.HP.COM (Danny Low) (01/10/91)
>(Santosh S Philips) >PROBLEM: The software Design CAD does not come standard with a HP laser jet >series II printer driver. My friend contacted the company that makes the >software and was told to use one of the given printer drivers. The given >printer drivers did not work. The printer works well in this configuration with >other software like WordPerfect 5.1 and Lotus. What were the printer selections and what driver was your friend told to chose? I find it difficult to believe there is no LJ II driver with the program. The LJ II has been around long enough that any company that supports their software will have long ago updated their drivers to handle the LJ II. The lack of a LJ II driver is a strong indicator of poor support by the company and is reason enough for me to get rid of their program. It's the responsibility of the company that makes the CAD program to supply a Laserjet driver for their program. Printer drivers are highly dependent on the program and the printer combination. The printer specs are public information. The program specs are normally not public. If the CAD package has no Laserjet driver the best course is return the package for a refund or exchange for another package that will support the Laserjet. The lack of the proper printer driver is considered a valid reason to return software by any reputable dealer. Danny Low "Question Authority and the Authorities will question You" Valley of Hearts Delight, Silicon Valley HP CPCD dlow@pollux.svale.hp.com