[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] How do I tell DOS that I have installed 704k base memory

Q4105@pucc.Princeton.EDU (W.g. Price q4105 Mathtech) (01/10/91)

It appears that with a suitably addressable memory card I can add 64k
base memory in the A000 bank since I am using a mono graphics card that
has video memory at B000.  How do I tell DOS about this?  I see that the
BIOS can be told by poking the memory size word at 0040:0013, but DOS is
not picking that up, nor do utilities like MANIFEST.  I have looked on
SIMTEL for a "lid lifter" but not seen one.  Please email replies -- the
link I have to usenet flushes a lot of traffic.        Bill Price