[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] XMS -> EMS without using protected mode?

blk@mitre.org (Brian L. Kahn) (01/10/91)

I would like to convert some XMS memory to EMS, without using
protected mode.  I have seen a manager called LASTBYTE that claims to
do this by twiddling the chipset DMA's or something, but LASTBYTE
won't run on my machine.  I do have the kind of chipset they support,
so I bet my hardware could do this with the right software.
Unfortunately, I don't understand what is in some chipsets (NEAT,
VLSI, others) that allow this operation, so I am a bit in the dark.
Can anyone either explain the special features of chipsets, explain
what is needed for XMS -> EMS, or point me to some software?

B<   Brian Kahn   blk@security.mitre.org   "may the farce be with you"