(Simpson David) (01/13/91)
I have a Zeos 386 computer in which I installed a Cyrix 83D87 math co-processor last summer. When I tested out the co-processor, I discovered that the error line was inoperative; i.e. if I try to use the co-processor to perform some illegal arithmetic operation, I get a default result instead of an error signal. For example, when I run the following Turbo Pascal program: {=============================================================} program COPTest (output); {$N+,E+} var x,y: extended; begin x := 0.0; y := -1.0; writeln ('Divide by zero test: ',5.0/x); writeln ('sqrt(-1) = i = ',sqrt(y)) end. {==============================================================} I get a run-time error on another PC (using a co-processor with an operative error line) but on MY machine I get: Divide by zero test: 0.00000000000000E+0000 sqrt(-1) = i = -1.00000000000000E+0000 A Northgate 386 using a Cyrix co-processor correctly reports a run-time error when running this program, but my Zeos 386 gives these default values (and I have tried TWO different Cyrix co-processors). Does anyone have a Zeos 386 PC with an Intel 80387 who could test the co-processor error line (such as with the above program)? I would also appreciate hearing from anyone who has had a similar problem. (I suspect the problem is somewhere in the motherboard.) Thanks for any info! David Simpson