[comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc] Direct output to two destinations

ccrob@uqvax.cc.uq.oz.au (01/23/91)

Hello all,

I am teaching myself a little bit about C by writing a small utility 
on a PC using MS QuickC. In this utility (call it "foo"), I want to 
specify an output file, and from within foo, interactively run some 
other programs I also specify during foo's execution, with foo spooling 
the entire execution session to both the screen (so I can see what I'm 
doing) and the output file (so I have a record). This would be exactly 
like a logging a terminal session on a larger multi-user machine.

I was wondering if anybody could e-mail me any helps/tips/suggestions/
code or information on a utility like this that may already exist. If I 
haven't provided enough information, let me know and I'll show some code.

Thanks for any help that you may be able to provide.


Rob McMillan          |  E-mail: ccrob@uqvax.cc.uq.oz.au (DTE 050527372000094)
Asst Systems Prog     |  Phone:  +61 07 365 4105          FAX: +61 07 365 4477
The Prentice Centre   |  Post:   University of Queensland, QLD 4072, AUSTRALIA